day 2

Day 2 of POBR we woke to Jessica's wake up call like she said she would do we had our cold breakfast and packed our lunch. then we all loaded up and headed to our first locations where they are trying to restore life pretty much back to this little creek called blockhouse creek which is private property overall purpose of today are (BDA) beaver dam analogs, also stream habitat restoration. Jeanette Burkhardt is a watershed planner she was nice and explain to us what we will be doing today. Her colleague Gerrard
foley was pretty funny and chill to talk to his title is a habitat biologist which I didn’t know they had such a title but it's nice to know little bit of what he knows he also was the guy having us pack huge logs not sure how we did it but we got them where they needed to be was some real labor work making dams and learning how to make a somewhat close to what a beaver would make 


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