Day 3

We got to sleep in a bit today because its a science day today as dr. black called it and tbh it felt pretty good. We had our breakfast when we was done we made out lunches for the day. then we headed to the Glenwood cafe to get our actual blog set up and started. this process took  a little bit to set up cause we had to transfer what he had from the first two days. i also had to reapply for a tribal scholarship so we had to stay a little longer to get those turned in. while we was working on these blogs dr. shuster went and grabbed some side by sides so we can make way to a couple spots to take some water samples. we also tested the ph levels and the conductivity of the water. we made it to the first spot that was heavily impacted by a fire in 2018. when we got down to in it was a pretty tiny stream called snow plow creek that was glacier feed it wasn't a big stream maybe about 3 1/2 centimeter deep and probably about 1-3 feet wide. we made our way back to the side by sides to to make way to he last spot and get the last sample of the day. this creek was called birdcreek  it was a little longer destination but was worth it. the water in this creek is moving pretty good and haves some good depth in certain spots. the with of this creek was pretty wide you can look either way and there would be big trees across the creek these trees were easily over 10 feet. Dr. schuster brought us to like this opening in the ground that was blowing out cold air a lot of it. after seeing that i went over and got in a good spot to get my water sample from the upper layer of the water. we all started to make are way way back to the side by sides so we can get back to camp and get these samples ready to be put in the bio paddles for incubation for the next 24-36 hours. we are back at camp was a dusty ride my allergies are bad and have so much dirt in my scalp it's not funny have never felt so dirty. But good news monett is making tacos for dinner which sounds amazing cant wait 😋. dinner was great to cap the night dr black took out smore stuff since this will be our last night at the bird creek campground couldn't couldn't think of a better way to cap the night here are photos i took on our trip 


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