day 8

 todays sounds like a good day we are suppose to be out with a geologist and looking and talking about rocks how they are formed and how they are made. sounds like a good day before that starts we will be eating breakfast and start packing our lunches. we got up little early to try and beat the sun excited for the day. we are all loaded up and ready to head to our first spot. we spot and pulled over in wheeler county or john day dam area our geologist that is with us showing us around is Brenan

van alder werlt it is clear skies where we are and its about 7:17am. Brandon works for the Washington department of natural resource's his job is to study the earth for the good of the public. honestly was hard to take note only cause i could not understand what he was talking about the complexity was a little to much for my brain but i did write down as much notes as i could and all the little fun facts he was mentioning. like igneous rocks are rocks that have been cooled from liquid they are dense and not light. learned what sedimentary rocks are and what metamorphic rocks are. we also got to use hydrofluoric acid to test for calsite or quartz if its calsite it would react to the acid if its quartz it wont react.


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